第一輛買的車是輛特別便宜的二手車,買車之後第一件事情,除了車保險,就是帶著Dearler(交易商) 給的交易紀錄,去當地的BMV或是DMV (車輛管理處),註冊一個車牌號並更新Title(車輛擁有權紀錄)成自己的名字,這些都需要在該州的地址證明,Indiana需要三份文件證明,例如房租、信用卡帳單、水電費帳單。當時剛搬到鎮上,房租地址是手寫列印單的,工作人員說不可以,還沒有辦信用卡,所以沒有信用卡帳單,第一個月還沒到,也沒有水電費帳單,於是我就開著沒有任何車牌的車,開去公司一個月,最後才辦下一張塑膠板的臨時車牌,在後來才真正拿到正式車牌。這一個月中,有沒有遇到警察?有是有,那我也就只能出示所有證件,然後sheriff(警長)就說到時間要去上車牌喔! 就沒有再因為這個沒有車牌的事情,被Pull over(警察車輛會閃燈,在後視鏡注意到之後,車主需要停到路邊)了。





開車之後,很喜歡注意路上的各種車牌,在安全的情況下,會拍下一些覺得有趣的交通工具,和車牌號。If you feel offensive that your car plate is posted, please let me know. I will remove it from my blog.有關是否可以在公共場合拍有趣車牌照片,並放上網的合法性,以下是參考網路文章後得出的結論:

「拍車牌並放上網的合法性,我參考了一個法律事務所的youtube [1],自己(人)擁有自己的Publicity,the right of publicity 也就是人格權(Personality Right),可以決定人的名字、喜好、圖片等的商業用途[2],但是物品並沒有自己的Personlaity Right,因此當自己的杯子、寵物、車出現在公共場合時,並不能說物品擁有著擁有這些東西的人格權,所以其他人在不影響物品擁有者的情況下,是可以拍照的。至於車牌上網後的可能影響,車牌畢竟有車輛所有者的現有住址資訊,幸好只有執法單位有權利與工具,可以查詢這些資訊[3],平民百姓是不可以這樣做的。」

‧Colorado(科羅拉多州) - 路邊租用機車

‧前車牌是支持 Confederate battle flag ,因為跟這個旗幟有很多相關不好的意義(白人主義、種族歧視等),所以一般看到,我會小心點快速遠離。

‧有趣的車子裝飾 - 眼睫毛貼、跟Hello Kitty 全套裝。

‧有趣的車牌: Lemon (檸檬),Honey (親愛的,蜂蜜),Engn33r (指的是Engineer,工程師)。




[1] Youtube: Is It Illegal to Post Pictures of Someone’s Car Online?


If you want to take a photo on a car that is in public, you can likely take a photo and post it online without breaking the law. Things don't have laws; people do. A person has no expectation of privacy in anything they do in public, including what they drive, how they drive, and where they park.

[2] Wikipedia: Personality Rights


The right of publicity, often called personality rights, is the right of an individual to control the commercial use of his or her name, image, likeness, or other unequivocal aspects of one's identity.

[3] Can I Run a License Plate Number for Free?


Unfortunately, running a driver's license plate number for any reason or purpose is not only impossible to do for free – it is illegal.

All data associated with a license plate number only applies to the person the vehicle is registered to, but they can find out:

The Name of the Vehicle Owner
The Address of the Vehicle Owner
Whether or not the Plate was registered as Stolen
Whether the Vehicle is Listed as Stolen
If the Plate Matches the Vehicle it is on
In Some States, Police Can Check for Valid Car Insurance

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